We create apps that matter

Build, measure, learn and build again, until it’s perfect.


What's our Concoction ?

We are a motivated team of strategists, designers and architects, and innovators from all corners of the world, under one roof. Linked by a shared set of values, we strive for one goal, delivering the world with extraordinary digital products, services, and solutions.
We are the mavericks of apps development who work in autonomous teams and motivate each other to get unparalleled results for the many people who click, pinch and swipe our daily work.

100 +


500 +


170 +


We combine

Brilliant ideas + Alluring designs + Reliable code

Beautiful brands work with us


What people said

Ruchi Sethi
Sam Cawthorn
Tom Jaffee
Ceo & Founder
Eugene Silinda
(Managing Director) Satma Awarda
Sam John T. Smile
Founder at helpcity.org
"The logos were not only beautiful, but they had real meaning as well ... That, along with the initial color scheme, played out into the rest of the website design nicely."
“DevelopTech knew how to design a layout that would help customers find information immediately and conveniently."
"DevelopTech was very professional, and they cared about my needs."
"We have received incredible feedback upon the launch of our new website and mobile application that DevelopTech produced".
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Customers are partners

The closer the relationship, the better


Hire your own Dedicated Team

History has been witness that whenever a player in a team plays self-game, the whole team suffers.

Similarly in business, doing jobs that you don’t master will affect your business. So better let the masters handle it. We are a troupe of highly experienced and dedicated individuals who without a blink thrive to cater to all your tech-related needs. Take a look at our prestigious team.


See our Updates

June 2018
How much will it cost to develop an app like Trivia?

How much will it cost to develop an app like Trivia?

By Vishal Kedia in Blog on June 07, 2018

The major question that arises in the process of developing an app is that is the app worth spending so much time and mints or not? An app like Trivia stands the most popular amongst various game genres like arcade, action, puzzles etc. Read more

May 2018
How to build a cost-effective laundry app like Cleanly?

How to build a cost-effective laundry app like Cleanly?

By Vishal Kedia in Blog on May 15, 2018

An on-demand laundry app is an online stage intended to take care of all your dirty clothes cleaning needs. On-demand services have become an integral part of an individual's day-to-day life. Read more

We don't just build apps.

We grow brands . We solve complex problems . We simplify lives

Reach Us

#22, Rowan St, Middle
Town, NY, 10940

#401, 4th Floor Bestech Business
Tower Sec 66, Mohali (Punjab), India
+91 9780131210

Dubai Office
1202, Bays water building, Business
Bay P.O. 234949, Dubai, UAE
+91 9780131210